Event Manager

September 3, 2024

Event Manager

Events API and App

Events API is a backend application built with Spring Boot that enables users to manage events effectively. Users can create, update, delete, attend, and unattend events through a straightforward API.

Events App serves as the front-end counterpart, built with React and Bootstrap, providing a user-friendly interface for interacting with the Events API.

Key Features

  • Authentication:

    • Sign-up: Users can create an account to access the application.
    • Sign-in/Sign-out: Secure login and logout functionality for user sessions.
  • User Profile:

    • Update: Users can modify their profile information.
    • Delete: Users have the option to remove their accounts.
  • Event Management:

    • Own Events: Users can create, update, and delete their own events.
    • Other Events: Users can attend and unattend events created by others, facilitating community engagement.

Tech Stack

  • Backend: Built with Spring Boot, providing a robust and scalable API.
  • Frontend: Developed using React for a dynamic user experience, styled with Bootstrap for responsive design.

This project is a comprehensive solution for managing events, allowing users to easily engage with their community while honing their development skills.

Happy event planning! 🎉

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